Se incluyen estudios del efecto del entorno en la salud, tanto en dirección favorable como desfavorable.
Healthy environments and stress
Existen elementos en el ambiente que pueden incrementar el estrés en personas que deben estar en escenarios hospitalarios (sumado a la razón por la que se encuentran ahí), pero también se han evaluado las características que pueden ayudar a reducir dicho estrés.
Las condiciones socioambientales y psicológicas producto de la pandemia por covid-19 acrecentaron el interés por los espacios públicos verdes. Esto obligó a gobiernos y sociedades a revalorizar estos lugares en el entramado urbano, por sus aportaciones ecológicas, socioambientales y psicológicas a la salud pública urbana. Es entonces que el diseño biofílico busca la integración de elementos naturales en las propuestas de diseño urbano-paisajístico, promoviendo estilos de vida positivos y reconceptualizaciones sociales sobre la naturaleza urbana, en beneficio de una sostenibilidad que fortalezca el entramado urbano, su plan socioespacial y aspectos de salud pública en términos psicosociales, ambientales y físicos.
Connectedness to Nature, Well-Being and Presence of Birds
Connectedness to Nature represents a growing area of interest in the latest years because it could have implications in human behavior. In addition, another type of implications studied in people have been the sounds of birds. The aim of this literature review was to analyze the state of knowledge about Connectedness to Nature and birds, as well as its link with variables related to well-being to identify gaps and directions for further research. We reviewed 41 papers published between 2011 and 2021. Papers were found in 29 journals with studies from 16 countries. Eighty-five percent of the papers used an experimental design and there is a trend of increasing publications over time. Our results show that Connectedness to Nature is linked to variables related to well-being, and the presence of birds (or their perception) contributes to explain the relationship. Therefore, more research on the subject is needed because there is evidence that contradicts some findings. Also, research is needed in different bird species, sounds, different cultures and local contexts, thus, it is necessary to study rural and urban areas. In addition, research is needed in children and teenagers who have been very little represented. Finally, it is necessary to have more information from Latin American countries as they represent the most diverse in bird species and to be able to compare with more studied regions like Europe and North America.
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